Biziondo, the last resort for spine patients, offering different, modern and safe solutions

David Izquierdo, manager

Removing herniated discs without the need for hospital admission, placing prosthetic discs from the belly or from the side, are some of the interventions that are performed at the French Institute of Spine and Traumatology Biziondo.

Led by Dr. Alfonso Riojas, a spine specialist with more than 35 years of medical excellence and 18,000 interventions performed by him, Biziondo has become a reference center when it comes to talking about spinal pathologies. It is characterized mainly by giving solutions to patients who had tried and tried a long list of treatments of all kinds and continued with lumbar or cervical pain. In addition to distinguishing themselves by their empathy with the patient, their affection and the professional ethics with which they approach their patients endorse them: "we usually propose treatments that we would do ourselves," says David Izquierdo, manager of the Unit.

Además del Dr. Alfonso Riojas, otros fichajes de este centro son el Dr. Patrick Tropiano, considerado dentro de los tres mejores especialistas de prótesis discales por vía anterior. Así como el Profesor Jean-Charles Le Huec, experto en casos difíciles de columna vertebral. Estos expertos se unen a una amplia plantilla de médicos traumatólogos y neurocirujanos

In addition to Dr. Alfonso Riojas, other members of this center are Dr. Patrick Tropiano, considered among the three best specialists of disc prostheses . As well as Professor Jean-Charles Le Huec, expert in difficult cases of the spine. These experts join a large staff of trauma doctors and neurosurgeons. 

En Biziondo puede encontrar solución a los problemas más frecuentes de columna vertebral, como son las hernias y protrusiones discales, ya sea lumbares o cervicales, discopatías, estenosis de canal, estenosis foraminal, espondilolisis, espondilolistesis, escoliosis degenerativa, artrosis cervical, entre otras.

In Biziondo you can find a solution to the most frequent problems of the spine, such as herniations and protrusions of the discs, whether lumbar or cervical, discopathies, canal stenosis, foraminal stenosis, spondylolylolysis, spondylolisthesis, degenerative scoliosis, cervical osteoarthritis, among others. 

Something that distinguishes Biziondo from other centers is the possibility of offering a wide range of treatments for all the pathologies mentioned above, some of these are: ozone infiltrations, axial decompression, removal of percutaneous herniation, , placement of disc prostheses laterally, ultra-safety recalibration, endoscopic surgery, dynamic stabilization without screws,  microsurgery and other modern techniques from France, a leading country in spine surgeries.

Biziondo also offers other services in its trauma unit, focused on hand, elbow, shoulder, hip and knee. Where it has the presence of international specialists such as Dr. Bruno Zipoli and Dr. Cedric Bouquet. 

Currently, they provide care for patients in Bilbao and San Sebastian, in northern Spain. In addition to having an online orientation consultation, free of charge. 

Herniated discs are a very common pathology among the general population. In Biziondo they perform minimally invasive surgery that allows the elimination of herniations and disc protrusions on an outpatient basis in the day and without the need for open surgery, allowing the patient almost immediate relief. This technique consists of making an incision of approximately 1 cm through which a guide needle is introduced on which a cannula is placed to access the herniated disc and proceed to the removal of the hernia with special tweezers.

Además, tratan hernias y protusiones discales, estenosis de canal y foraminal con la ayuda de una cámara óptica a través de cirugía endoscópica.

La artrosis junto con la estenosis son otras de las enfermedades articulares más comunes en España. Provocan el estrechamiento de los espacios vertebrales y, como consecuencia, la presión de los nervios. A través de la técnica de Ultra-safety, la intervención se realiza de manera percutánea a través de una mínima incisión y con una precisión microscópica que retira el hueso formado en la estenosis de columna al utilizar tecnología de ultrasonidos que solo sirve para retirar hueso y no daña nervios o tejido blando.

In addition, they treat herniated and protrusions of the discs, canal stenosis and foraminal with the help of an optical camera through endoscopic surgery.

Osteoarthritis along with stenosis are other of the most common joint diseases in Spain. They cause the narrowing of the vertebral spaces and, as a consequence, the pressure of the nerves. Through the Ultra-safety technique, the intervention is performed percutaneously through a minimal incision and with microscopic precision that removes the bone formed in the spinal stenosis by using ultrasound technology that only serves to remove bone and does not damage nerves or soft tissue.

Biziondo's team of French spine specialists develop the minimally invasive lateral intervention technique to treat various pathologies such as discopathies, scoliosis, stenosis, spondylolisthesis in a simple way, avoiding joint rupture and without risk of spinal cord damage. They emphasize that it is a rapid intervention that is performed in 45 minutes (1 disc) and that allows to treat patients over 65 years of age, with less bleeding and a faster recovery.

They also have the techniques of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. Both procedures are used to treat vertebral crushing in the spine caused by fractures or osteoporosis. In these minimally invasive surgeries, guided by an image amplifier, a cement mixture is injected into the fractured bone and through a hollow needle.

Finally, they also offer dynamic stabilization without screws. It is a surgical treatment with less aggressiveness than arthrodesis, in which the classic assembly of arthrodesis with pedicular screws is replaced by a hybrid dynamic assembly. It allows mobility to the spine avoiding the rigidity that traditional instrumentation entails.



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