Grupo Prefor has become the most successful professional training company in the country

Juan Díaz Vidal and Sala Bolado Rey

Grupo Prefor is a Spanish company that specializes in e-learning. Through their 3 online academies: Academia Prefortia, Academia Prepolicia and Academia Preprisiones; has trained thousands of people to become members of the Spanish “Guardia Civil” and National Police.

The method used by the academy is designed by and for the candidates, in order to get the best out of the time that they devote to study. A guided study plan is provided monthly to the students, this way, the correct comprehension of the contents is guaranteed. Furthermore, the student is constantly supported by the customized telephone assistance everyday, including weekends and bank holidays, in case they need any kind of guidance or technical support.

In just 7 years, Grupo Prefor has established itself as a benchmark company within the education field. Their journey started back in 2015, with only 50 students, a small number compared with the almost 15.000 that were reached just in 2022. 

At this moment, Grupo Prefor glimpses into the future and expects to keep spreading its teaching methods to other fields.


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